Dr. Erica Reid is an Occupational Therapist who specializes in Myofascial Release and Pelvic Floor Therapy. In order to provide the highest standard of care, she blends her knowledge of evidenced-based western medicine with eastern alternative approaches. Treatment is customized and based on her education, own experiences and those of her clientele. You will receive personal, trauma-informed care that revolves around your own unique needs in a private setting. Erica is dedicated to giving you all paths available to gain freedom from your pain, postural dysfunction, pregnancy difficulties, and positions of past trauma as well as to avoid invasive treatments such as surgery whenever possible.
Because of the success and level of care she has for each individual, clients have traveled from other countries to be treated for several hours a day/several days a week for what is called an ‘intensive’. This level of care allows the individual who is ready to really dive deep in their healing journey in a short but powerful amount of time.
Dr. Erica enjoys and is available for speaking engagements and collaborations with other health & wellness professionals and advocates. You will find her as a repeat guest on several podcasts where she shares her knowledge and experiences so that others are aware of possibilities for healing and happiness even after years of pain and disappointments. Dr. Erica appreciates and engages in the team approach to the healing process, and will refer clients out when she feels there is a better path or an additional one to assist them in finding answers and relief to their questions and limitations.