Ball SELF MFR, Click on Each Picture for More Info....

Lie on the ball at center chest or anywhere it feels tight or tender.

Lie on the ball at the area where the head meets the neck and let the head soften over the ball.

Lie on the ball over the area where shoudler meets chest (pec muscle area) with arm at side - position ball where you feel the most stretch, then sink into and soften over the ball. It is better to have your forehead touching the ground or one cheek touching then the position shown if your neck is tilted back.

Place ball under the hamstring and allow the weight of the leg to sink into the ball. This can be done as shown on the floor with extended leg, or seated with knee at 90 angle.

Lie on the ball on center spine and roll up & down utill you feel a stuck spot, and then allow the body to melt over that spot.

Lie on the ball with the pecs placed over the ball-where shoulder & chest meet. Play with the angle of your arm to feel the tightness and still be able to sink and soften onto ball.

Lie on the ball at the area of the scapula or shoulder blade on one side with arm extended. Make sure head is relaxed and comfortable.

Lie on one side and place the ball between the upper legs wherever you feel the most tightness. The ball can be used in multipe positions.